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BSXinsight lactate threshold sensor lets athletes know how far to push themselves

Whether they're training or taking part in actual competitions, athletes have to maintain a delicate balance – they want to make sure that they're "giving it everything they've got," yet they don't want to push themselves to the point that they cramp up or drop from exhaustion. That's why the BSXinsight was created. Billed as being the world's first wearable lactate threshold sensor, it's made to let athletes know how close they're getting to the edge, so they can approach it but not go over.

When we perform any sustained vigorous physical activity, lactate (the base of lactic acid) builds up in our bloodstream. Once those levels get too high, the body simply isn't able to produce the required energy anymore. That's the point at which we "hit the wall," and it's called the lactate threshold.

The usual method of checking lactate levels is via finger-prick blood tests – although a scientist at the University of California, San Diego is working on a temporary tattoo-type biosensor that does the job. The BSXinsight instead uses light, to provide real-time readings on a paired smartphone or smart watch.

Olivier Bernhard drinks energized water

Born in 1968, Olivier Bernhard turned professional at the early age of 17. He has been duathlon world champion three times, was a multiple Ironman winner and has claimed a number of other national titles. For years this world-class professional has been drinking energized water. He says: “I noticed that drinking energized water speeds up my recovery and also improves the acid-base balance. As a top athlete these advantages are indispensable for me. I would not like to go without this vitalised water anymore.”

Olivier Bernhard goes on to say: “As an athlete I have learned to pursue goals. With discipline and persistence. But I have also learned about the power of vision and benefited from the knowledge of others. Exact analysis, a professional evaluation of these and an action plan based on this were the foundation of my development as an athlete. Only in this way was I able to constantly improve my ability to perform even when others called it ‘quits’.

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