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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Water

The environmental factors that can trigger illness...

From brushing your teeth to washing your hands to soaking in the tub after a busy day, you are constantly encountering varying qualities of water. Many people know to avoid drinking tap water whenever possible. If you cannot afford a high-quality water filter, even a semi-decent filtration system can offer some benefit.

You may not know that you are often bathing in chlorine and fluoride when you run a bath or step into the shower. These two substances are not ideal for your health or healing. I’ve worked with a client who developed chronic fatigue largely because of their constant exposure to chlorine while showering. They hopped from doctor to doctor, were given numerous misdiagnoses, and didn’t actually experience positive shifts in their health until they filtered the chlorine out of the water they were showering in. My client, who was suffering from low-grade Epstein-Barr that gave rise to chronic fatigue syndrome, was already fighting off neurotoxins from the Epstein-Barr that were creating neurological fatigue, and the chlorine exposure in addition to the neurotoxins overburdened the immune system. After this fix, the client no longer needed to pause their day after a shower to take a nap and noted that this simple change seemed to make their fatigue disappear by 75%. If you want to address this issue yourself, consi der installing a filter in the shower. You may also be interested in installing a reverse osmosis water system throughout your home, which is another option.

I always talk about the importance of little steps in the right direction. If you can decrease your exposure to environmental toxins, this may play a 5% role or more in your overall healing. Any other healing efforts, including your dietary choices, the supplements you choose to take, and the healing meditations you practice all have different positive percentages in which they impact your healing. The more of these positive pieces of healing you can bring into your life, the more results you are likely to see because it matters and all adds up.

Restructuring water with our Vital Water unit not helps with chlorine, it reduces the other 299 nasties in town water.

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