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Why stay hydrated on aeroplanes

When you step onto an aeroplane your breathing in moisture at 30-70%. The every day common garden variety. Within minutes of taking off the humidity in the aeroplane in most cases drops to 12%. Dryer than most deserts. This parched environment has several effects including the sense of smell. It is common to suffer from dry eyes (which can cause serious problems for contact-lens wearers) and a sore or dry throat and nose. This dryness is often uncomfortable, but it might also make you more prone to infections.

Drink plenty of water and sip your water or you do have a tendency to visit the toilet more often.

Drinking your normal 2 litres of water a day helps with JET lag as well.

Alcohol, tea & coffee are diuretics and do not hydrate.

Numerous travellers have offered Anecdotal evidence that using the Naturally Energized Water Bottle inflight has reduced all of the above syptoms.

Start with the fact that 70 percent of the body weight is water based. And 87 percent of that is inside the cell (intracellular). The "functional water" is required for oxygen enrichment and for maintaining the pH balance. Water is vital for blood, digestive juices, sweat and tears. Any discrepancy will lead to complications with delivery of these "humors," including oxygen to the body cells, creating a relative hypoxia. Complaints include: Nausea, thirst, exhaustion, muscle and joint aches, anginal pain, migraine, restlessness and most importantly symptoms such as confusion, paranoia and anxiety. Dehydration can occur as a result of high altitude, excessive exercise, sweating and water deprivation. The balance to maintain optimal body water level is coordinated by the kidneys, mostly by concentrating urine.

If the water is restricted or lost through vomiting, sweating or diarrhea, the osmotic pressure increases in the blood vessels drawing the water from the cells into the blood vessels. Similarly, at altitude, air pressure is low, the water vapor content is low and compensatory hyperventilation (increased rate of breathing) is a norm. So there is excess water loss through breathing - the exchange of dry air for moist breath. The shriveled cells slow down their function. The most damaging effect is in the brain.

By Dr. Parvez Dara FACP, Master Certified Flight Instructor, holds an Airline Transport Pilot rating and is a member of the Society of Aviation and Flight Educators (SAFE)

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